The rabbi who found the Messiah - Rabbi Kaduri

24.03.2016 21:39

God is mercyfull. He will not forget tha last single soul! He will offer His hand to save the very last of us.




2:36    For this reason, let all Israel be certain that this Jesus, whom you put to death on the cross, God has made Lord and Christ.

 36 Das ganze Haus Israel wisse nun zuverlässig, daß Gott ihn sowohl zum Herrn als auch zum Christus gemacht hat, diesen Jesus, den ihr gekreuzigt habt. (Apostelgeschichte 5.31)



It is the highest act of love that God reveals Himself and His Son to His people. I hope sincerely that the ones who start to believe in the Jesus Christ who came through the Holy Mother Maria, will believe also that she wants to help them to find the right way to worship the God`s Son. She appeared to a Muslim girl and told her to come to the The Christian Orthodoxy.
God had given Mother Maria the task to give birth to His Son on earth and now He gives her the task to lead people to Christian Orthodoxy, the right way of worship.
The icon which was panted after the vision of Mother Maria is called The existing. To read more