New hints against infirtility / Neue Hinweise gegen Unfruchtbarkeit (Buchhagen monastery and Hilandar monastery)
1 A canon to St Joachim and St. Anna, parants of our Holy Mother Marija
in connection with a larger period of fasting and prayer one can ask St. Joachim and St. Anna for prayers with the canon, appeared in german in the magazine "Der Schmale Pfad Nr. 9 from September 2004 - Bittkanon an die Hl. Anna. It is my experience that monks from the "Dreifaltigkeits Kloster in Buchhagen" monastery of the Holy Trinity in Buchhagen offer their help in prayers during the fasting period. You can ask them for help.
2. The grape from St. Symeon from the Monastery Hilandar on the mount Athos
St. Symeon was the father of St. Sava - the first archbishop of Serbia. On his grave vor centyries there is a grape-vine growing on the place where the body of St. Symeon used to be kept in honor. If You should know someone who can go to visit the monastery in Greece (one has to receive a certain permission for pilgrimms) ask to bring You the holy grape.
3. I personally know a case where a woman got pregnant only after she visited the body of the Patriarch Pavle before the funural.