Joga, Budhism and Co - The way of Babilon
More than eating an aple in paradise
Please in Gods name don't fall into temptation which is offered by different influences of searching for ways to become as high as God is and try to take His energies without his permission or blessing - by doing so You deny that You need Him and love Him , Who has made You and His Son who gave His life for You.
Our salvation is in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ and there is no other according to the bible.
According to the Old-testament God Himself spoke to the people and gave them his commandments as a gift and helping way to salvation. Jewish people received this gift directly from God. Trough the old testament all the prophets spoke about a Christus of God- In Jesaja , Zaharia and the Psalm -You can clearly find the words about a crucified Lord and that unfortunately the Jewish people would not recognize Him. there is a huge group of Jewish people who realized that our sweat Lord Jesus is the promissed Messias and founded a group called "Juifes pour Jesus" Juden für Jesus oder Messianische Juden". Dies ist eine grosse und herzergreifende Freude für mich, dass Sein Volk zu Ihm kommt, der gesandt ist als Opfer für alle Völker- This means a great happyness to me that His people find their place into His arms who has suffere for them and all peoples on earth.
Those who did not recognize Him let us pray in huge and brotherly love for everyone. But please we who realized the trouth let us in no way betray Him. Remember His wounds on the Cross and let us pray for His mercy - because He is the Mercyfull and Loving God of ours
This is the good news Jesus came for all of us and every human can feel loved by Him as well as our older brothers the people of Israel - Lord have mercy for all of us sinners - as it is only You Who is without a sinn.
Quote :
:10 | And I will send down on the family of David and on the people of Jerusalem the spirit of grace and of prayer; and their eyes will be turned to the one who was wounded by their hands: and they will be weeping for him as for an only son, and their grief for him will be bitter, like the grief of one sorrowing for his oldest son. | |
12:11 | In that day there will be a great weeping in Jerusalem, like the weeping of Hadad-rimmon in the valley of Megiddon. |
Das Volk von Jerusalem wird über den trauern, den sie durchstochen haben
10 Aber über das Haus David und über die Einwohner von Jerusalem will ich ausgießen den Geist der Gnade und des Gebets, und sie werden auf mich sehen, den sie durchstochen haben, und sie werden um ihn klagen, wie man klagt um ein einziges Kind, und sie werden bitterlich über ihn weinen, wie man bitterlich weint über einen Erstgeborenen. (Joel 3.1) (Johannes 19.37) (Offenbarung 1.7) 11 An jenem Tage wird große Klage sein zu Jerusalem, wie die Klage zu Hadadrimmon war in der Ebene Megiddo. (2. Chronik 35.22-25) 12 Das Land wird klagen, jedes Geschlecht besonders; das Geschlecht des Hauses David besonders und ihre Frauen besonders, das Geschlecht des Hauses Natan besonders und ihre Frauen besonders; 13 das Geschlecht des Hauses Levi besonders und ihre Frauen besonders, das Geschlecht des Hauses Simei besonders und ihre Frauen besonders; 14 desgleichen alle übrigen Geschlechter, ein jegliches Geschlecht besonders und ihre Frauen besonders.
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