Die Bibel / The Bible

15.09.2014 22:41


Unfortunately the church got devided in the 11th century.

In the western world there have been also changes of the bible - which normally dare no way be. One can orient himself for example on the Elberfelder bible from 1905 in Germany or on the Luther bible from 1912 with the apokryphes - these are Makkabäer and the Book of Jesus Syrach as far as I am informed. Please correct me if I got that wrong.




There is also a different countig of the Psalms as the titles of the psalms would count or not.

In the Herder bible there is an exact explanation.  -


In English




Apart of these differences, one has to emphasize that especially heavy mistakes are in the changing the meaning of the Gods word, like in the bible of "Witnesses of Jehova". I personally know for one big problem. It  is at that point when it comes to the devorcing from a woman. Our Lord Jesus refuses any devorcing in the new testament exept if the woman would behave like a whore - meaning cheating on her husband. This group of "Witnesses" took simply that exeption out as if it never existed.

I don't want to go into the detail whether it is right to devorce or not, as we are all humans and sometimes unfortunally we have to suffer from the ones we love the most-  but changing the holy text is surely not the way. 


Matthew 5,32     Matthäus 5,32

32 Ich aber sage euch: Wer irgend sein Weib entlassen wird, außer auf Grund von Hurerei, macht, daß sie Ehebruch begeht; und wer irgend eine Entlassene heiratet, begeht Ehebruch.
