
Akathistos an den Heiligen Paisios vom Berg Athos

16.02.2017 11:39    

Bleeding Cross

14.02.2017 22:58
The Bleeding Gospel is located at Saint Demetrios Tucson Arizona  Father Cantos is the Guardian of the Bleeding Gospel. I Tawfiq Zananiri DO testify to the fact that I with my own eyes on several occasions during my visits to Saint Demetrios to venerate the Holy Gospel and visit Father Cantos...

Blasphemy arrives into Ecumeny

08.02.2017 12:13

Blasphemy arrived into ecomeny - Warning !

08.02.2017 12:03 ...

Heiliger Gabriel aus Georgien / Saint Gabriel

08.01.2017 23:51

Heiliger Gabriel aus Georgien Urgebadze/ Saint Gabriel from Georgia Urgebadze

08.01.2017 23:34
  A beautiful Saint with such compassionate prayers. He suffered as a martyrr, often beaten by Communists. I have a deep respect for him and...

Saint Luke , bishop of Crimea - Heiliger Lukas von der Krim

28.12.2016 23:17

Saint Luke , bishop of Crimea - Heiliger Lukas von der Krim

28.12.2016 22:59
In tiefer Dankbarkeit für den unbegreiflichen Beistand (25.12.16 )dieses großartigen Heiligen Vaters, Heiliger Lukas von der Krim , Märtyrer und Arzt.

New Statement against Creten-Konzil

22.12.2016 12:17

Saint Nicholaus Icon to protect home

19.12.2016 18:49
A story of St. Nicholas Mother Christophora told the story by the late Mother Abbess Benedicta, from Romania, of the Orthodox Monastery of the Transfiguration, Ellwood City, PA . This story of St. Nicholas was told to her as a child: There was once a young couple who were so poor they had to sell...
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